RekordRonny.se |
 Job of a lifetime
Outside Bristol Zoo there is a car park for 150 cars and 8 coaches.
There also used to be a very pleasant attendant with a ticket machine charging cars £1 and coaches £5.
This parking attendant worked there for all of 25 years , then one day just didn't turn up for work...
"Ho hum", said Bristol Zoo Management - "better phone up the City Council and get them to send a new parking attendant"...
"Err no", said the Council, "that car park is your responsibility"...
"Err no", said Bristol Zoo Management, "the attendant was employed by the City Council, wasn' t he?"...
"Err NO!"
Sitting in his villa in Spain is a bloke who had been taking daily the car park fees amounting to an estimated £400 per day at Bristol Zoo for the last 25 years...
Senast uppdaterad 2009-08-03 12:48 |